I meant to get this up a couple weeks ago on my birthday, but I was busy with last-minute school responsibilities and then my laptop died. But July 1st is as good a day to post this. I put together a list of professional, personal, and academic goals to work on over the next year. I might add or change things as I go, but I'm going to try to get as many done as I can. I'll update when I can strike things off the list.
02. Finish mermaid short story
01. Finish train short story
03. Finish wedding short story
04. Finish monster short story
05. Finish superhero short story
06. Finish millennia short story
07. Finish flat tire short story
08. Write a dragon short story
09. Finish bed and breakfast UF novel
10. Start/participate in a group blog
11. Finish ballet novella
12. Outline time travel adventure
13. Outline a superhero novel
14. Write a rough draft of a superhero novel
15. Attend a convention
16. Write an hour-long podcast drama
17. Write an hour-long movie or web series (twelve
five-minute installments)
18. Query agents
19. Submit at least two short stories for publication
20. Write ten poems
01. Dye my hair
02. Get another ear piercing
03. Organize my CD collection
04. Eat healthier
05. Exercise regularly (four-five times per week)
06. Complete one full month of Hip Hops Abs
07. Complete full Hip Hop Abs program
08. Complete one full month of Insanity
09. Complete full Insanity program
10. Build a little free library
11. Build a piece of furniture
12. Build that model rocket I’ve had lying around for a year
13. Go to a baseball game in a stadium I haven’t been to yet
(six out of thirty)
14. Learn a new song on the piano
15. Learn a new song on the guitar
16. Learn how to use my Traveler 120 and take lots of photos
17. Take lots of photos in general
18. Learn karate or boxing
19. Join a rowing team
10. Build a terrarium
21. Join a softball team
22. Reach my 10,000-step Fitbit goal every day for a week
01. Start learning Latin
02. Refresh on Polish or Russian
03. Write an article on genre fiction/heroines to submit to
the Journal of Popular Culture
04. Study for and take the GREs
05. Apply to doctoral programs